Bicycling Safety on Roadways

Bicycling on roadways can be a fun and efficient way to get around, but it’s important to follow safety guidelines to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road. Here are some tips to stay safe while cycling on roadways in the Palm Springs area:

Wear a helmet: This is the most important piece of safety gear for a bicyclist. Make sure your helmet fits properly and is fastened securely before each ride.

Follow traffic laws: As a bicyclist, you are required to follow the same traffic laws as drivers. This includes stopping at stop signs and red lights, signaling turns, and yielding to pedestrians.

Be visible: Wear bright and reflective clothing to make yourself more visible to drivers. Use lights and reflectors on your bike, especially at night or during low-light conditions.

Communicate with drivers: Use hand signals to indicate your intended turns or lane changes. Also, make eye contact with drivers to ensure they see you and are aware of your presence.

Use marked bike lanes: Whenever possible, use marked bike lanes to separate yourself from traffic. If there is no bike lane available, ride in the right-hand lane, with the flow of traffic.

Stay alert: Pay attention to your surroundings at all times. Avoid listening to music or using your phone while cycling, as this can distract you from the road.

By following these tips, you can greatly increase your safety while cycling on roadways. Remember to always be aware of your surroundings, obey traffic laws, and wear protective gear to protect yourself in case of an accident. Happy cycling!

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VPS is about bicycling in the greater Palm Springs area. We also feature articles and blogs relating to cycling with definite “Palm Springs” slant. We are cyclists and are from Palm Springs. We get it.